Wootton War Memorial, St. Edmunds Upper Churchyard
The dedication and unveiling of the new village war memorial designed by John H.P.Fulford of the Cedars took place at St. Edmunds Church, Church on Sunday 14th November 1948. The original memorial was sited by the entrance to the church as per the attached picture and only recorded those who fell in the 1914—18 First World War.
The memorial has now been moved to the centre of the Garden of Rest in the upper graveyard and placed on a enlarge base of island stone. It now records the names of the 17 men of Wootton, who lost their lives in the 1939—45 conflict and R.E.Sheppard who was killed in Northern Ireland.
The dedication of the war memorial was preceded by a service in St Edmunds; the church was full with many people standing outside. Seats within the church had been reserved for relatives of the fallen, ex service men and women and the British Legion.
The service opened with the processional hymn “O god, our help”, this was followed by the 23rd Psalm. Col Chatfield Clarke them read a lesson from Ecclesiastes “Let us now praise men”, the Bishop of Portsmouth then gave an address, the service concluded with the singing of “Abide with me”.
The procession then made its way to the war memorial over which the Union Jack was draped. Before the unveiling the memorial Major-General Lord Ruthven C.B, C.M.C, D.S.O gave a short address and said it was an honour to be asked to preform this task and was glad the memorial now listed those fallen in both wars. The concluded with the words “To the glory of God and in memory of the fallen of Wootton, who gave their lives for their country, I unveil this memorial”. A bugler from the Royal Artillery [Princes Beatrice’s] then sounded the “Last Post”, followed by “Reveille”. The service was concluded with the singing of the National Anthem.
The Bishop of Portsmouth then dedicated three oak seats in memory of Mrs.de Lande Long; the ceremony was witnessed by her husband, son and his wife. The seats were engraved N.de L.L. 1946 one has been placed under a lychgate type of canopy.

East facing side of the memorial records the fallen of the 1918-18 war.
These men of Wootton and district gave their lives in the service of their king and country 1914—1918
- J.Barton. 8th Hants. Regt
- N.R.Goffin. Warwickshire Regt
- A Greenham. 1/8th Hants. Regt
- H.G.Guy. 5th Gren. Guards
- J.F.Harvey. HMS.Newmarket
- B.S.Hayles. HMS.Victory
- H.J.Mew. HMS.Invincible
- E.H.Mowbray. 2nd Berks Regt
- P.A.Russell. 1st Hants Regt
- J.Salmon. 1st/8 Hants Regt
- W.Wadmore. 2nd Hants
- H.A.Watson. 1st/8 Hants Regt
- E.J.Webb. Dorset Regt
- W.J.M.Dine. 1st Black Watch
See to it ye who come after that their names be not forgotten.
Information extracted from the Commonwealth Graves Commission for the above, gives the following information.
- Corporal John Barton. Hampshire Regt. Died 12-08-1915. Aged. 35 years. Memorial: Helles
- Rifleman Arthur John Greenham. Hampshire Regt. Died 19-09-1919. Aged. 25 years. Memorial: Picta Military.
- Private Harold Courtney Guy. Grenadiers Guards. Died unknown. No Memorial Artillery Wood.
- Able Seaman John Frank Harvey. HMS. Newmarket. Died 17-07-1917. Aged ? Memorial: Portsmouth.
- Warrant Engineer Bernard Surman Hayles. R.N. Reserves. Died 16-05-1915. Aged 33 years Memorial: Haslar, Portsmouth.
- Petty Office Stoker Herbert James Mew. HMS. Invincible. Died 31-05-1916. Aged 32years. Memorial: Portsmouth.
- Private Edwin Hilton Mowbray. Royal Berkshire. Died 02-04-1918. Aged 31years. Memorial: Pozieries.
- Rifleman Percy Abbrey Russell. Hampshire Regt.Died 26-11-1918. Aged 25 years. Memorial: Kantara.
- Private James Salmon. Hampshire Regt. Died 26-09-1917. Aged ? Memorial: Tyne Cot.
- Private William Wadmore. Hampshire Regt. Died 13-08-1915. Aged ? Memorial: Helles.
- Private Hubert Alexander Watson. Hampshire Regt. Died 22-08-1915. Aged 18 Years. Memorial: Hellos.
- Private E.J.Webb. Dorset Regt. Died 05-12-1917. Aged ? Memorial: Mendingham.
- Corporal Willie James McDine. Black Watch. Died 13-10-1915. Aged ? Memorial: Loos.
Facing westwards the memorial records the fallen of the Second World War.
And of those who fell in 1939-1945.
- Bull H. Royal Navy.
- Burgess H. Royal Navy.
- Eldridge J.W.H. Royal Navy.
- Morris F.H. Royal Navy.
- Puddy R.G. Royal Navy.
- Long B.D. Kings Dn. Grds.
- Chandler L.S. Royal Engineers.
- Bright C.H. Royal Artillery.
- Sheppard K.D. Royal Artillery.
- Stay A. Royal Artillery.
- layton P.L. Royal Air Force.
- Deatt D.I.W. Merchant Navy.
- Mitchinson R.C. A.I.F {Australian].
- Bull G. Wootton Home Guard.
- Killeen B.V. Wootton Home Guard.
- Please W. Special Constable.
- Cox C.H. Royal Air Force.
Northern Ireland.
- Sheppard R.E. 1-3-1978 Royal Artillery.
Footnote 1:- In February 1948, the Wootton War Memorial Committee lead by Lt. Col. Chatfeild- Clarke and Lt. Col. Fernie, D.S.O., appealed for any additional names that should be added to the war memorial, and advised that the appeal fund would close on the 31st of March.
Footnote 2:-The War memorial was re-furbished in 2012 and was re-dedicated on the 12th January 2013 at 12 noon by Bishop Christopher. Webmaster.

Sources: Isle of Wight County Press, 20th November 1948 and others
This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:53