Mrs Mary Nunn Harvey 1835 — 1897
Mrs Mary Nunn Harvey
Her death occurred on Monday 11th October age 62 years at her home The Cliff, Shanklin. Her connections with Wootton were the ownership of the Briddlesford Estates and her involvement in the building of St Michael and All Saints church at Wootton Common.
Her father who was in the lace making industry came from Nottingham and when the family move to the island he opened a factory in what is now Broadlands House Staplers, Newport.
On the death of her father H. W. Nunn in 1876 she inherited a considerable amount of money, which allowed her to become a public benefactor. From reports it would appear that she gave the land and paid for the building of St. Michaels, it is also reported that she actively involved in charity work across the island. When the factory closed Mrs Nunn opened it up as a home for the elderly, it is believed that 40 old people lived there.
A report of her funeral states she had been in failing health for some years fighting the “slow ravages of the gathering and growing disease”, however she retained a keen interest in all the schemes she was involved in; these included agricultural, social and benevolent.
Her funeral at St Pauls Church, Barton, Newport at which there was a large gathering of people including those from Broadlands home of Rest, Shanklin and the Briddlesford Estate. Her body was laid to rest in the family vault in which her father was already interred; the vault is located at the west end of the churchyard.
Source: Isle of Wight County Press, 16th October 1897
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