Sea Copse Hill 1900
Addendum to the original auction of 11 plots of land known as Sea Copse Hill Estate, Wootton 20th July 1899.
Auction of freehold woods, meadows and fields at Sea Copse Hill Estate Wootton, in the Parish of Whippingham by Dowsett, Knight & Co. will take place at The Mart, Tookenhouse Yard, London, on the 23 July 1900 at two o’clock precisely unless an acceptable offer is beforehand.
Whippingham is well known as the parish in which is situated Osborne Estate, the marine Residence of her majesty the Queen. The Sea Copse Hill Estate is at the Wootton end of the Parish of Whippingham, and about ten minutes walk from both the Wootton and Whippingham Railway Stations; it is about a mile from post, telegraph and telephone offices in Wootton and lies between Ryde, Cowes and Newport, from each of which town the estate is a short drive.
Shooting is one of the favourite recreations of an Englishman’s life and it is difficult to obtain a property which will afford that sport without having to buy a considerable area of agricultural land. Sea Copse Hill, however, is exceptional: of quite an unique character, its three woods have always been known as famous game preserves, besides which they are surrounded by the woods of Her majesty the Queen, Captain Holford, and others, who also preserve. There are plenty of pheasants, partridges, rabbits, woodcocks etc. These generally arrive in this country about the 20th October.
Small woods in very choice residential districts being most desirable, building sites are rarely ever obtained, but Sea Copse Hill meets this difficulty. Each of the three woods has an open field attached whence can be obtained extensive picturesque views of land and sea and whether by erecting a residence [after clearance] inside the wood or by erecting it in the field outside, the wood could be used as pleasure grounds and would form gardens of no ordinary beauty, embellished here and there with forest trees, here and there by primitive bits of jungle, here and there by newly formed flower beds and shrubberies, and everywhere would be heard melodies of song birds, and[unless uprooted] natural carpets of wild flowers of various hues.
Scientific Climatologists pronounce the climate of the Isle Wight as suited either for invalids of for persons in robust health.
Initially the 90 acres of land approximately will be offered as one lot. If a suitable offer is not received then it will be offered in three lots as detailed below.
The land totalling 89 Acres, 1 Rod & 37 Poles, is sub-divided as follows:
Woods 41 Acres 13 Poles.
Meadows 17 Acres 1 Rod & 29 Poles.
Arable Fields 30 Acres 3 Rods & 35 Poles.
There is no public access to any of the land.
Lot 1, 23 Acres 1 Rod & 30 Poles
Known as Timber Copse together with the adjoining meadow with a frontage of 925 feet to East Cowes Road [Brooks Copse Road]. The wood is divided by Palmers Brook from the woods of Osborne Estate of Queen Victoria. The wood has two ride through it, four glades and some shooting, but no access for the public. The meadows command extensive and pleasing views of land and sea.
Note: - When compared with the 1899 auction the land on offer is lot 2 & 3.
Today this land is the meadow and woods below Westwood Farm in Brooks Copse Road.
Lot 2, 32 Acres
Freehold wood, meadow and arable land with a frontage to the Ryde to East Cowes Road [Brooks Copse Road] of 1100 feet. The lot affords a charming site for the erection of a residence, besides yielding acceptable sport. The wood is intersected by rides, glades and shooting paths, but no access for the public.
Note: - When compared with the 1899 auction, the land on offer is Lots 4 & 7.
Today Westwood House and Westwood Farm are built on the land.
Lot 3, 34 Acres & 7 Poles
Freehold wood and arable land with a frontage to Ryde to Newport Road [Lushington Hill] of 1280 feet. The land contains a pair of villa cottages, having together six bedrooms, two sitting rooms, two kitchens, two sculleries, two coal house, etc.
The buildings comprise poultry house, workshop, meal house; high railed dog kennels, cattle yard and shed, fodder house and stables.
The wood is intersected by rides, glades and shooting paths with no public access and also contains a lakelet. If the banks were repaired to retain the water it would form a very charming ornamental spot, or if kept dry would form an exceptionally picturesque tennis ground with the banks forming a natural area for sitting. The field contains several very valuable springs which bubble up from the ground and the water flows through the woods. The top part of the field offers views of the surrounding countryside and sea views. The cottage is currently occupied by the gamekeeper Mr. Wheeler.
Poultry, young pheasants, coops, gates, ferret, iron traps, kennels together with all wood will be included in the sale.
Note: - When compared with the 1899 auction the land on offer is lot 5 & 6.
This lot refer to Belmont Cottages and the adjoining wood and field higher up Lushington Hill.
When compared with the first auction when 11 plots were on offer, all the building land at the top of Brocks Copse and Palmers Road did not feature again.
North Lodge in Brocks Copse Road is not shown on the plans so must have been built later.

Source: Isle of Wight County Records
This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:47