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Quarr Hill

19th Century Parish

Earthworks (1066-1539 AD) Ridge and farrow1

HOUSE (1801-1860 AD)

Wellwood Cottage, Quarr Hill

Quoins made up of gault brick. 3 Dormer type windows on South side of roof, with coping and kneelers. Gable ends have parapets with kneelers and coping. Modern bay windows to South side.2

Wellwood House, Quarr Hill

Brick quoins made up of gault brick, the stonework varies, the part to the east looks older. There are parapets with kneelers and coping on the gable end. Decorative ridge. Tiles. Dormer type windows can be seen on the south side of the building3

Abbey Lodge, Quarr Road

Gault brick chimney. Stone drip moulds. Small gothic window in east end. Part octagonal roof south side. Flat roof extension north side.4

1. [IW arch. record card.] Pers. comm. D.J.Tomalin (Vicky Basford)
2. M. Chivers/A. Pragnell. Graphic material: Historic Buildings Record Photographs
3. M. Chivers/A. Pragnell.
4. C. Slawson.

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:45

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Wootton Bridge Walks

Wootton Walk leaflet

If you are visiting the Isle of Wight you may be interested in our Wootton Walks leaflets which include a large scale route map.

These leaflets enable you, in a series of five walks, to explore some of our village’s history and beautiful surroundings. Enjoy your walk.

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