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Wootton Creek Control

A meeting was convened at the Unity Hall, Wootton on Monday 12 July for the purpose of forming a committee to control the moorings in Wootton Creek and also to keep the channel clear of visiting yachts. There were 48 attending. The meeting was presided over by Lieut.-Col. Stanley Chatfeild-Clarke, V.D.,D..L.

Col. De Lande Long, of Lisle Court, explained how the question of the formation of a committee had arisen. He said that he had been in touch with the Board of Trade when it was proposed that the Goshawk should be broken up on the hard near Lisle Court, and also when he had applied to the Board of Trade for renewal of his authority for moorings, which had previously been issued by the King’s Harbour Master at Portsmouth. The Board of Trade had stated that, while they exercised a general control over the navigation of the Creek, they were not prepared to handle the details of yacht moorings, and suggested that a local committee should be formed for that purpose. They had then requested him to organize such a committee and, following their assurances that the committee would have the full support, he had agreed. He had then approached certain gentlemen who were interested in the yachting facilities of the creek, and also the fishermen and traders and as a result that meeting had been convened by personal notices to all whose interest was known and a public announcement in the Press.

The Chairman then proposed that a committee should be formed and suggested its composition. This was seconded by Mr L Souter, who said that Wootton Creek was partly in Newport Borough and partly in Ryde Borough, and he would be sorry to see the control of the creek come under either of those authorities or under the Cowes Harbour Board. The Chairman explained the proposed composition of the committee and the following were elected: Representing the fishermen: Mr Fowler senior; the traders, Mr P R Croucher; the yacht yards, Messrs. I Hayles and A V Please; the yachtsmen, Col. Stanley Chatfeild-Clarke (chairman of committee); Miss Babs Dorrien-Smith, Mr George Fardell, Lieut.-Col. C W Brannon, M.C., T.D.

In reply to questions the Chairman made it clear that the Board of Trade recognised that the fishermen had prior rights in the use of the creek. The question of appointing a secretary and harbour master was considered, and it was suggested that it would be best to pay a small honorarium. The appointments were left to the Committee.

Source: Isle of Wight County Press, 17th July 1937

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:25

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