Wootton Bridge Parish Council
Tuesday 14 March 1989
Abridged minutes of the meeting of the Wootton Parish Council held in the WI Hall, Kite Hill, Wootton Bridge on Tuesday 14 March 1989 at 7.00 p.m.
Present: Councillor Barton (Vice Chairman, in the Chair)
Councillors Albans, Mrs Allen, Chessell, Goodall, Lewis, Phillips
1222. Apologies
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs Bailey and Sheppard and from Borough Councillor Reid.
1223, Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14 February 1989 and of the special meeting held on Thursday 23 February 1989 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
1224. The Future Of The Sloop Inn (Minute 1176 refers)
The Clerk reported that he had written to Whitbread (Solent Inns) asking that the facilities of children’s playground and separate children’s room, plus facilities for pub games and live music be incorporated in the forth coming refurbishment of the Sloop Inn. To date, no reply has been received.
1225. Station Road, Wootton Bridge (Minute 1177 refers)
The Clerk reported that he had written to the County Surveyor as instructed, expressing dissatisfaction at the length of time being taken to construct a pedestrian footpath along Station Road between Glendale Close and the Methodist Church and asking that the County Council treat the project as a matter of the greatest urgency. To date no reply has been received.
The Clerk then read out a letter from Councillor Mrs Hames writing as a resident of Station Road. The letter drew attention to the County Surveyor's previously expressed contention that the completion of the footway was continuing to be delayed "due to budgetary considerations and reluctant vendors". The letter then stated that as one of the householders affected, she had originally been approached in October 1970 and that the last written communication was received on 13 February 1975. In these circumstances the letter contended that they could hardly be termed" reluctant vendors" or in any way impeding the completion of the scheme.
Subsequently, County Councillor Mrs Stolworthy arrived at the meeting and handed the Clerk a letter to read out. The letter stated that the residents of 91 and 93 Station Road are not prepared to release the land necessary to improve the road and provide a pavement on the present lines laid down by the County Surveyor. As a consequence a new line is being surveyed to reduce the amount of land needed and this will intensify into a comprehensive survey in April. Even then compulsory purchase orders may be needed, and this will take up most of the present financial year. In the meantime only two thirds of the necessary grant has been received from Central Government and £350,000 has been cut from the budget to keep the Rate increase under 10%. The County Transportation Committee has therefore listed those schemes first where the design work and land acquisitions has been completed. In any case only one scheme has had the capital released. In these circumstances the letter concluded there is no way the scheme could have gone forward at this time without riding roughshod over two householders who have made their opposition plain.
Following a discussion during which Borough Councillor Mrs Hames and County Councillor Mrs Stolworthy were invited to participate, the Members once again expressed concern at the length of time being taken to complete the scheme. It was then RESOLVED - (1) That the matter be held in abeyance for one month pending the County Surveyor's reply to the Parish Council's latest letter. (2) That Mrs L Smith be advised of developments.
1226. Public Safety Information Bill (Minute 1181 refers)
The Clerk read out a letter from Barry Field MP, which stated that he has signed the Early Day Motion in support of the Public Safety Information Bill. A letter of acknowledgement to the Parish Council's request for Prime Ministerial support for the Bill had been received from 10 Downing Street.
RESOLVED - That the contents of the letters be noted.
1227. Road Naming, Off Station Road
The Clerk reported that the new road between Fernhill and Mary Rose Avenue, off Station Road is to be named "Fernside Way". The Parish Council's choice of name was "Leonora Avenue".
RESOLVED - That Medina Borough Council be advised of the Parish Council's disapproval of the decision not to adopt the name "Leonora Avenue" for the new road between Fernhill and Mary Rose Avenue and that the Borough Council be asked why the suggested name was not taken up.
1234. Consideration Of Changing The Name Of The Parish To Wootton Bridge
The Clerk advised the meeting that this item had been placed on the agenda at the request of Councillor Barton. It was understood that a change of the name could be achieved by a simple resolution of the Council. RESOLVED - That the name of the Parish Council shall be amended to Wootton Bridge Parish Council with immediate effect.
1240. Reports Of County/Borough Councillors
The Chairman exceptionally allowed the County and Borough Councillors present to make verbal reports. County Councillor Mrs Solworthy explained that it had been intended that the new Wootton Bridge sign should be to indicate a landmark (i.e. the bridge) rather that to indicate entry into the village. Members suggested that given the change of the name of the Parish that the existing Wootton road signs should be adapted to Wootton Bridge. County Councillor Mrs Stolworthy then stated that a light in Gravel Pit Lane, which was not functioning, would be attended to. In addition it was pointed out with regard to Minute 1210 that a public seat is required on the South side of the road by Harwood's Garage and not opposite the Cedars. Councillor Mrs Hames stated that drainage problems are being encountered in the Brannon Way car park and ways of dealing with this are being examined. Furthermore, the provision of more play equipment for the children’s play area is being considered.
RESOLVED 1. That the reports be received with thanks
2. That the County Surveyor be asked to adapt the existing Wootton signs to read "Wootton Bridge".
3. That Medina Borough Council be asked to arrange for a specialist drainage consultant to investigate the serious drainage problem in the Brannon Way car park and that appropriate remedial action be then taken.
Source: Wootton Bridge Parish Council Archives
This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:43