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St John Ambulance Brigade, July 1965

Earl Mountbatten of Burma, the new Isle of Wight Governor, has agreed to become President of the Island branch of the St John Ambulance Brigade.

At Wootton yesterday, when he met officers of the Island Brigade at the home of Dr. F. R. B. H. Kennedy, the Island County Commissioner, Earl Mountbatten said that, particularly since his wife’s death, nothing had given him the same pleasure than joining the Brigade. This was because his wife had always tried to inveigle him into it one way and another.

He was particularly please that his entry into the Brigade should be in the Island, because it was there that his wife was originally County President of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight and worked hard for the Brigade until her death.

“She really devoted her life to St John in a way that you may not have realized. Her whole life revolved round St John.”

Dr. Kennedy, referring to the fact that Earl Mountbatten was meeting the officers of the Brigade at Wootton Lodge, said that this was particularly apt as Countess Mountbatten stayed there on more than one occasion.

“Whenever she came she stimulated us enormously. We are so glad that you have accepted the Presidency. We do feel it is a very great honour.” He told Earl Mountbatten.

Note: The Duke of Wellington was the Island Brigade’s last President, but he gave up the post when he handed over the Governorship of the Island to Earl Mountbatten.

Source: Isle of Wight County Press, July 1965

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:48

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