Old Advertisements - Wootton

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Bumbles, Wootton Bridge c1970
A M Williams Wootton 1971
H.J. Aedy Wootton 1969
John Duncan Ryde 1960
John Sweet Wootton 1953
Kite Hill Garden Centre 1983
Lakeside Inn Wootton Bridge 1960
Marsden Wootton c1955
Miriam School of Dancing - Wootton c1965
Sloop Inn Wootton Bridge 1960
Picture framers in Bumbles Arcade 1989 now Wisteria
Picture framers in Bumbles Arcade 1989
now Wisteria Gallery
Lakeside Country Club Wootton 1974
Lakeside Country Club Wootton 1974
Lakeside Wootton 1973
Wootton Homecare
M. Pike Blue Book
M. Pike Blue Book 1888-9

Source: Isle of Wight County Press various dates and Wight Life Magazine