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The Island and the Coronation

May 1937

Celebrations were held at Wootton last Wednesday [the 12th] to commemorate the event, the response to the village organising committee appeal for funds had been overwhelming and allowed a very ambitious programme of entertainment to be arranged.

Almost every house in the village had been decorated, two houses at the top of the High Street were floodlit, the High Street itself was decorated with flags and buntings. The scholars from the National School on New Road were each given a flag courtesy of Mr. W. H. Please and accompanied by the headmaster Mr Read and the Rector marched to a field at Lakeside loaned by Mr Ayres; where for the first time rowing boats were available for hire on the Millpond. Around 700 people attended the sports events before the rain came and caused the adult activities to be postponed until the following Saturday evening, again Lakeside was made available by Mr. Ayres.

On the Saturday the catering was a success with two rooms in use, Unity Hall and the Wesleyan Sunday school, both were decorated, 500 people were expected but around 700 turned up. After tea each child under 5 years was presented with a souvenir mug by Mrs Brodie and Ald. Chatfeild-Clarke, and then entertained at the Conservative Hall in the High Street with games, dancing and community singing. The evening was concluded with a social for adults with over 800 people attending.

Source: Isle of Wight County Press, 15th May 1937

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:25

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Wootton Bridge Walks

Wootton Walk leaflet

If you are visiting the Isle of Wight you may be interested in our Wootton Walks leaflets which include a large scale route map.

These leaflets enable you, in a series of five walks, to explore some of our village’s history and beautiful surroundings. Enjoy your walk.

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