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Amalgamation St. Edmunds and St. Marks Church

March 1925

A meeting of the church councils of the Parish of Wootton and St. Mark’s, Arreton has been held to discuss the way forward for the two churches. The Rector Rev. G. C. Seymour of Wootton said that in the very near future the two parishes would be amalgamated as the Parish of Wootton. He held out the hand of friendship to congregation of St Mark’s and said the Diocesan authorities were amalgamating the two churches with the object of saving manpower and money. The decision had been taken without allowing the churches any say in the matter. Therefore the first thing to tackle was the reorganisation and the financial operation of the two churches.

Every effort would be made to keep St. Mark’s open, and there were several ways in which this could be achieved. If a curate were appointed, he the Rector would have to offer him a salary of at least £250 a year, or alternatively have a lay preacher for a day; the meeting wondered how much grant could be obtained from the Diocesan Fund.

The Rev. A. F. Painter was currently conducting the services at St. Mark’s, and he the Rector would like to see him offered the position, Capt. Green agreed this was an excellent suggestion and supported the motion. Miss M. C. Shedden believed that this suggestion was the cheapest option and supported the appointment.

The Rector then said there would be an interchange of pulpits and everyone should work together to keep both churches open. The next eighteen months would be difficult but in appointing the Rev. Painter they had a person who could make it happen.

After further discussion it was decided to elect a committee from both churches to go into the finances and report to the next meeting. Members of the committee were: -
The Rector, Col.West, Mr.Hutton, Mr.L.J.Souter, Mrs Sidebottom [Wootton], Capt. Green, Miss Shedden, Mrs Brodie J.P., and Mr Whitbread.

Source: Isle of Wight County Press March 1925

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:20

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