Deed: Grant of Additional Land to Wootton Parish Church
22 October 1891
I Robert Stayner Holford of Westonbirt, Tetbury in the County of Gloucester, Esquire, under the authority of “The Conservation of Churchyards Act 1867” Do hereby freely and voluntarily give grant and convey unto the person or persons or corporation sole or aggregate in whom the Churchyard or the Burial place known as Wootton Churchyard in the Isle of Wight is now vested his or their heirs or successors, that piece or parcel of land containing Forty five feet on the North side thereof, Forty feet on the South side thereof, and One hundred and six feet on the East and West sides thereof, situated in the Parish of Wootton aforesaid and adjoining the west side of the Churchyard aforesaid which said premises are more particular delineated in the Plan annexed to these present and therein coloured pink. And all rights title and interest in the same and every part thereof Together with all the estate and interest of him the said Robert Stayner Holford in all his over the strip of waste land coloured green and situated between the said premises and the Public Road shown on the said Plan to be held for ever as part of the said Churchyard or Burial place.
In Witness whereof I the said Robert Stayner Holford herewith set my hand and seal this twenty second Day of October One thousand eight hundred and ninety one.
Signed and sealed and Delivered by
The above named Robert Stayner Holford
in the presence of
Henry Wizard of Westbirt, Tetbury, valet to the above.
Enrolled in the Central Office of the Supreme Court signature the twenty sixth day of October in the year of our lord 1891 according to the tenor of the statute made for that purpose.
Hand written letter in addition to the above.
Application having been made to me by the Rector and churchwardens of Wootton, I.W. respecting the strip of waste in front of the piece of land conveyed by Mr. R.S. Holford as an addition to the piece of land at Wootton Parish Church. I am quite willing to forego any right in it such estate as I may have in order that the same may be consecrated and form part of the addition burial ground above referred to. Witnessed my hand the 26th day of March 1892. [Signed]
Mary Nunn Harvey
Lady of the Manor.
Addressed to: -
The Registrar [for Hants] of the Diocese of Winchester
Source: Transcribed from a document held by Mrs. G. Salter.
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