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Tenants Dinner 1887

According to his annual custom Mr T. Chatfeild-Clarke J.P. of Oakfield, Station Road, entertained the tenants on the estate at Wootton together with their wives at a dinner in the Reading Room, Wootton Common on New Year’s Eve, Mr. Chatfield presiding.

A bountiful supply of seasonal fare was provided, followed with bowls of punch, tobacco and cigars. After which the guests were joined by Mrs. Chatfeild-Clarke, Mr.Howard, Mr.Edgar, Mr.Stanley, Mr.Leslie and Mr.Cecil [all sons of the host].

Toasts were drunk, including one proposed by the chairman [Mr Chatfeild-Clarke] “The health of the tenants” who wished them all prosperity and happiness in the coming year. Likewise a toast to Mr & Mrs Chatfeild and family was proposed by the guests.

After an enjoyable evening entertainment the event was closed at around midnight will the singing of “Auld Lang Syne and the National Anthem”

Source: Isle of Wight County Press, 31st December 1887

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:49

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If you are visiting the Isle of Wight you may be interested in our Wootton Walks leaflets which include a large scale route map.

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