Lady Rosetta Cochrane 1816 - 1901
The death was announced on Monday 27th May of Lady Rosetta Rebecca Cochrane of Quarr House at the age of 85, she was the widow of Admiral T. J. Cochrane. Though she died on the Island very little is reported.
The coffin was made of English oak and lined with lead, the sides were panelled with a raised lid, there were heavy brass handles and a large engraved brass plate bearing the following; -
Rosetta Rebecca Cochrane
widow of the late, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Thomas J. Cochrane
Died 27 May 1901
An open hearse took the coffin from Fishbourne to Ryde Pier from whence it was taken to Portsmouth Harbour then onwards by train to Waterloo, on arrival it was transferred to a Victoria car and pair {horses} and taken to Kensal-Green Cemetery. The coffin was accompanied by the deceased son, daughters, daughter-in-law and servants from the house. At the cemetery the service was conducted by the Hon. and Rev. George Burke, cousin of the deceased and rector of Pulborough, hymns sung in the chapel by the surpliced choir were ‘Holy, holy, holy’ and ‘peace perfect peace’. At the entrance to the mausoleum the choir sung ‘for every with the lord’ as the body was carried in, and laid next to her husband.
Principal mourners were Mr Thomas Cochrane J.P. Deputy Governor of the Isle of Wight [son], Miss Cochrane, Miss Minnie Cochrane [daughters], Major Cuffe [brother], Lady Adela Cochrane [daughter-in-law] and several other important mourners were listed.
Note:It is believed that Lady Rosetta was the Admiral’s second wife.
Source: Isle of Wight County Press
This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:24