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Celebration Dinner 17th August 1909

Upwards of 50 workmen employed by E.W. Jenkins of Newport in the building of the new church of St Mark’s Church, Station Road, Wootton were entertained on Tuesday evening by building committee of the church. This was by a way of saying thank you for the excellent work carried out by them during its construction and it was announced that the church would be dedicated on Sunday the 29th August.

The evening consisted of a meal followed by songs, recitations and music provided by a gramophone, tobacco and cigarettes were provided for the guests.

Various toast were made during the evening and towards the end Mr Jenkins presented to the committee, stalls, for use in the church, which had been designed by the architect and made by his workmen. Rev. Miles Atkinson [curator-in-charge] thanked all those responsible for the superb gift.

At the end of the evening Mr Jenkins on behalf of his men thanked everyone responsible for organising the event, which have been greatly enjoyed by all.

Source: Isle of Wight County Press, August 1909

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:24

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