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Telephone Kiosk

Summary of Correspondence between Post Office Telephones Portsmouth Area, Messrs Mew, Langton & Co. and Wootton Creek Association between 1954 to 1957.

27 April 1954 to Messrs Mew, Langton & Co. requesting if they had any objection for the installation of a kiosk in the corner of the car park at Fishbourne Inn, as their was no other kiosk between Wootton Creek and Binstead

4 May 1954 from Messrs Mew Langton & Co. Ltd acknowledging the excellent idea and approving in principle. Actual position will be advised after inspection of site.

24 July 1954 E.C.A wrote asking for provision of Kiosk at Fishbourne and suggesting site offered by Messrs Mew, Langton & Co., on their Fishbourne Inn property, suggest site should be adjacent to the Lane where there is a grass plot on the seaward corner

30 July 1954 From G.P.O. that no additional kiosks could be provided during the year. Application would be kept under review.
20 Sept. 1954 From G.P.O. that claims for a kiosk was justified but site should be at to of “Cinder Track” as being more central.
10 Oct 1954 From W.C.A. re-iterating their preference for original site suggested but that in any case, site should not be further up Fishbourne Lane than the Ferry entrance.
15 Oct 1954 From G.P.O. saying further enquiries being made
1 Feb 1955 W.C.A. TO G.P.O. asking for further information

16 Feb 1955 from G.P.O. enclosing plan of proposed site at top of “Cinder Track”. The drawing shows ‘Cleadon’ as the end of three properties prior to the FP with the following comments. The grass verge is 10’ wide at the corner of this footpath and the kiosk could be placed 6’ from the E.L. Pole and 4’ from the road edge of the grass verge. This will give ample clearance for the gates etc of adjacent houses. E.L.Pole With Street Lamp Attd. (Pole No.13) 35’ away is Post Office Pole in a southerly direction. Proposed Kiosk Type No. 6A. Also warning of considerable delay owing to heavy arrears of work

24 June 1955 From W.C.A asking if work would be commenced in near future
30 June 1955 from G.P.O. advising little hope of getting kiosk working in current season
24 Feb 1956 from W.C.A. asking if any prospect of kiosk in near future
2 March 1956 From G.P.O. again advising some delays before work is completed but arrangements in hand for provision of kiosk and expressing hope that it would be connected during the forthcoming summer
May 1956 Base of kiosk laid in wrong position and removed same day
11 July 1956 from G.P.O. that objections had been received to “Cinder Track” site and that negotiations were in progress with B. Rlys for site by Ferry gates.
1 Sept 1956 from W.C.A. asking if any progress had been made.
6 Sept 1956 from G.P.O. that negotiations with B. Rlys had not progresses very quickly. Would advise later.
1 Feb 1957 from W.C.A. asking for further information
7 Feb 1957 from G.P.O. that B.R. ferry gate site had been abandoned because of way leave conditions and that another site was in view.

No further correspondence in file.

Source: WCA files

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:38

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