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Mrs. E Brodie

A Claim For A Widow’s Pension


At Fernhill,
Wootton Bridge
Isle of Wight

June 25 1918

To the Secretary
War Office


I have the honour to solicit consideration of the following case by the Army Council.

In 1914 my late husband Capt. H. G. Brodie, 103rd Mahratta Light Infantry, went to Mesopotamia with the Indian Expeditionary Force. He was wounded on December 2nd 1915, in the retreat from Ctesiphon, and as the Medical Officer who attended to him said he could not possibly live long with the injuries he had received, he was left on the field, and I was told he had been killed in action. However six weeks later I heard that he had been taken prisoner by the Turks. In March 1917 he was sent with four other Officers to Constantinople in reprisal for the alleged ill-treatment of Turkish Officer prisoners in Egypt. Shortly before he went to Constantinople I heard he was going to have the bullets extracted. There seems no reason to doubt that the cruel treatment he received in Constantinople, when already weakened by three serious wounds and an operation caused his death on April 26th 1917. As I have a little girl whose present pension is only £35 a year, I am very anxious to get the gratuity, which is given when an Officer “suffers violent death, due directly or wholly to war service”. If I should die it is quite impossible that she could be brought up and educated on her pension. My application to the India Office for the gratuity was refused on the grounds that the condition was not fulfilled. I venture to suggest that the very exceptional circumstances of my husband’s death justify a ruling that he did in fact suffer violent death due directly or wholly to war service.

I have, etc,


Source: Ref: Indian Army: Catalogue reference: PIN 15/1472

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:23

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