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Sailing Club, May 1957

"Opposite Tacks" In Wootton Creek - Sailing Club Rivalry

Wootton Creek Sailing Club have published their programme of races for the season and are looking forward to interesting racing with the Albercores, which have been purchased by five or six residents of Wootton and Fishbourne. However a 'splinter' has opened in the club and a new club has been formed at Fishbourne with its headquarters at Fishbourne Inn. The starting line for the new club is on the Fishbourne front some 80 yards south and parallel to the old club's starting line at the coastguard's boathouse.

Where Do We Go?

The first race on the old club's programme was timed for 2.50 p.m. on Saturday and turnout was excellent, flags were flying on both club's masts, and a crowd was around the Fishbourne club mast.

Some of the boats from the upper reaches of the creek were delayed because lack of wind at Lisle Court corner, and this meant that little interest was taken in the signal from the old club; from the new club starting line, five dinghies started, including two Albercores. The old club officials, who were screened from the new club activities by the boathouse, were somewhat puzzled at the lack of response to their flags by the competing boats. Eventually five dinghies including two Albercores assembled at the old club staring line, while another Albercore just cruised around.

Klaxon Verses Dinner Bell

Again on Thursday race officials were manning both starting lines, klaxon horns sounded from the old starting line while dinner bells were the warning sounds from the new club.

Five dinghies including three Albercores, an island 14 footer and a scow responded to the klaxon horn while two dinghies and a scow answered the bell.

Reporters comments:- Is it to much to hope, that better co-operation will prevail in future, and bring back together again, the small fleet of boats that race in Wootton Creek.

Source: Isle of Wight County Press

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:46

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