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Wootton 1888

New Road

The date of this picture is thought to be 1888. At that time there were 152 pupils in the school. The Head Teacher was Edmund Brading. He is standing on the left of the picture. The female staff are probably Mary Andrews, the Infant and Sewing Mistress. The others are probably Nellie Burgess and Flora Coffen. Mary Andrews was at that time receiving £24 pa, paid quarterly. Flora Coffen and Nellie Burgess were receiving 2s (around 10p) per week.

These children would have just celebrated the Silver Jubilee of Queen Victoria. There was a church service, followed by a procession, with two bands, sports and a tea Afterwards they were presented with commemorative mugs. It would be interesting to locate the photographs that were taken on this occasion.

Source: Wootton School, Millennium Project

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:52

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