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Jottings from Newport Town Council, March 1965

At the meeting of the above council on Wednesday 17th March 1965 it was agreed that a car park should be constructed at Coppins Bridge which is a at the lower end of the town, the cost is estimated to be £23,500. The car will be on two levels and built on part of the now closed railway track, which ran towards Shide. It will be built in two phases the first will provide space for 446 cars and when the second section is complete at a later stage that figure will rise to 826.

The council accepted the recommendations of the Highways Committee that approval should be given to the construction of the first phase. In response to a question from a member of the council the chairman [Ald. A.T.Drudge] stated that work would start as soon as the weather was suitable. He also stated that the council’s own labour force would undertake the work.

A further recommendation from Highways committee was also approved that the borough engineer be instructed to survey Scarrotts Lane. This was to ascertain if a scheme could be designed to met with the Ministry of Transports and the County Councils requirements for a classified road. If this requirement could be met the work would be carried out by direct labour and paid for accordingly.

The next item on the agenda was a report from the borough engineer on the state of the Racecourse; the report stated there was a need for large scale and major road improvements. The road should be upgraded to a three lane carriageway and a seven foot wide path way should be provided on either side as a matter of urgency. The report also stated that it was essential the resurfacing work was carried without delay, this was agreed and an estimate for the work of £1500 approved. The committee also discussed the possibility of changing the name of this stretch of road, but this was deferred. Further discussion took place on the financial implications of upgrading the Racecourse, it was agreed to defer this, and approach both the County Council and the Ministry of Transport with a view to obtaining grants for the road improvement.

The town council also agreed to inform the County Council that in the event of double white lines and lay-by not being provided in Lushington Hill, Wootton, the town council would not object to restricted waiting times being imposed on this stretch of road.

Source: County Press, March 1965

This page was last edited on: 26th January, 2022 17:50:38

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