Memories of Mrs Win Jones (nee Davis)
Marjorie Abblitt was an organist and also my Sunday School Teacher. She later married Sid Barton at Station Road. They had two children, Shirley and Keith, who came to Sunday School and I taught Shirley. Hilda Havelock, sister of Sid, was an organist. She had two sons, John and William, who came to Sunday School and later were members of M.A.C. (Methodist Adventurers Club). Maggie Maskell, now Mrs Shipsey, was an organist as was J.Vivian Wadham. He was also the Church Treasurer until he moved to Ventnor, when I took over as treasurer for a while. (The "while" lasted 12 years!) The communion table was given by Viv Wadham and family in memory of his parents, John and Mary. The two matching chairs were given by Viv and family in memory of his wife, Gwladys. The pulpit light was given by the Griffin family in memory of Mrs Griffin's father, Mr Brown. The cross was given by me in memory of my mother, Violet Davis and was dedicated by Rev. Dudley Jenkins. There were two foot pedal organs( or harmoniums), one in the Church and one in the vestry. The Schoolroom had long pew-like, movable forms and when tea parties were held, large wooden trestle tables were brought in. These tables were stored in a corrugated iron roofed out house, adjoining the old kitchen. This building was dismantled to make way for the new kitchen.
Memories of Mrs Sue Woodward
I first came to Station Road in 1955/6. Mr John Dodd, from Newport, used to pick up us youngsters (who lived off the beaten track) in his car and would take us to Sunday School and Youth Club at Station Road. Mr Dodd had been a Japanese prisoner-of-war and had been very badly treated by them. He had a lovely family and his mother was a very Christian and kind lady. Mr Dodd used to take us to other youth groups and events. After leaving the Island, he ran an ex-prisoners hostel just outside of Winchester (Langley House). He died, sadly, of a brain tumour.
I went mostly to Havenstreet Sunday School where I used to take the classes there, as my family lived on the outskirts of the village. However, I loved my time at Station Road youth club and was so pleased, when I married, to settle in Wootton. I came back to Station Road and my son Andrew was christened here.
Station Road society was and is always welcoming. Some of our old friends, though now sadly deceased but well remembered, were wonderful people - Bob Barton, Mrs Boxall, Ron Boyce, Violet Davis, Rita Scadding, Jim Baker and Mrs Edie Boyce(now in a Home). Our organists and relief organists have played some fine music for us - John Newsome, Robin Taylor, Rita Scadding, Andrew Cooper, Mrs Edie Boyce and now Jennie Lake, Elaine Ireland and Marjorie Sturgess. Our Sunday School has been fine with 20+ children coming on Sundays, in most years. Our children have all seemed to have done well for themselves and although some of them work away, have married or moved away, they come in to see us when they are on the Island. Tony Lake, Jonathan Baker, Jenny Gaches, Pauline Anscombe, Trevor Kearley and myself have taken classes, been to event weekends, swimming, sports, walks, London weekends and other events. We have taken part in Nativity plays, Carol Services - all bring back super memories of our Station Road. Now children of those that we taught in Sunday school, are coming to us!
Memories from Danny Robson
My earliest memories are of my three children attending the Chapel. My son David, who formed a Bible study group, later became Acting Superintendent at Langbridge Church of the Sunday School, when they were without a leader. After his departure to University, I took his place as a member of the Station Road Church.
My daughters, Pat and Sue, were both members of the Sunday School, as it then was, and remained members for many years before eventually becoming members at the Castlehold Baptist Church.
My own memories are of seeing Mrs Morris, the mother of Miriam Knight, sitting in the back row, every Sunday, with a very large cushion and, occasionally, a rug or wrap over her knees. When she passed on, the pole position was taken by Mrs Collinson and her sister-in-law, Miss Collinson. I found myself working slowly back, pew by pew, to the celebrated spot. Eventually, Miss Collinson died and, some time later, Mrs Collinson emigrated to Australia. At last! I had my little niche within the Church! Shortly after that, it was decided to remove the back row of seats, so that servers could move more freely round the Chapel without going out of one door and in the other. I helped Ron Boyce to remove the rear pews and with it, my claim to posterity!!